First Love (Poem)

Sometimes you feel real lonely
    You miss some moments too much
You cry for things you can't have
    But pray inside you could...

Longing for moments you live in your head
    Wishing someday they turn out to be true  
Hoping life is not as bad as it seems
    There's still hope, time is all it needs...

It's a funny little feeling
    Not so easy to explain
Living for that one special moment
    But feels worth the pain...  

One moment… all you need
    To feel it grow, inside your heart
One moment… to know the truth
    That's the one for you, till death do u part...

You want to hold them close
    Feel every single breath on you  
You want to spend your life
    For love that guides everything for you...

You want to speak your heart
    Courage not your friend
The fear of refusal in mind
    The loss, too much to comprehend...

Someday you will regret
    Should've risked the chance
Not left alone with memories
    Your love stuck forever in the past...


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